James Clerk Maxwell - What's the go o' that? Glasgow Science Centre 2:35 9 years ago 32 047 Далее Скачать
Father of Modern Physics: James Clerk Maxwell The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered 12:20 4 years ago 183 723 Далее Скачать
James Clerk Maxwell: The Greatest Victorian Mathematical Physicists - Professor Raymond Flood Gresham College 52:32 12 years ago 370 138 Далее Скачать
James Clerk Maxwell - A Sense of Wonder - Documentary Short Form Docs 27:38 9 years ago 240 115 Далее Скачать
James Clerk Maxwell: Theoretical Physicist and Mathematician IET 5:38 5 years ago 11 728 Далее Скачать
Great Minds: James Clerk Maxwell, Electromagnetic Hero SciShow 5:03 8 years ago 341 355 Далее Скачать
Who is James Clerk Maxwell: The Electromagnetic Maestro Who is Who? 0:56 1 year ago 134 Далее Скачать
James Clerk Maxwell Biography: History of Maxwell's Equations Kathy Loves Physics & History 10:39 6 years ago 92 140 Далее Скачать
The Birth of Control Engineering: Maxwell's Forgotten "On Governors" Dr Giordano Scarciotti 19:42 1 day ago 739 Далее Скачать
"The British Ass": a 151-year-old poem by Physicist James Clerk Maxwell #shorts Kathy Loves Physics & History 0:54 2 years ago 24 060 Далее Скачать
Why is the speed of light what it is? Maxwell equations visualized Arvin Ash 13:19 4 years ago 1 941 714 Далее Скачать
Peter Achinstein: Who Needs Proof? James Clerk Maxwell on Scientific Method Rotman Institute of Philosophy 1:31:29 10 years ago 7 345 Далее Скачать
James Clerk Maxwell’s Influence on Mathematics | Sir Michael Atiyah The Royal Society of Edinburgh 29:25 9 years ago 2 208 Далее Скачать
James Clerk Maxwell: A Pioneer in Electromagnetic Science #science Dr. Science 0:27 4 months ago 773 Далее Скачать
James Clerk Maxwell Brought Light From Electricity, and Magnetism | The Hero Show ◢ Objective Standard Institute 23:30 1 year ago 262 Далее Скачать